• Common Seasonal Poisons_0

    Common Seasonal Poisons

    Useful information for protecting your pets from seasonal poisons and dangers during the Spring and Summer.

In the arrival of Spring and Summer, many gardens around the country are growing, blossoming and developing well ahead of schedule.

Tay Valley Vets would like to keep pets safe this Spring and Summer by informing pet owners of potentially harmful substances, flowers, and plants that are dangerous to dogs and cats.

Many of the emergencies that veterinary clinics see at this time of year involve pet ingestions of garden products that may have harmful chemicals or ingredients. Additional garden related emergencies involve pets that have dug into and ingested the contents of compost piles, or consumed various plants and flowers that are often poisonous.

Some of the most common potentially harmful dangers for pets that reside in many gardens are listed below*.

(*Please note: Information about the potentially harmful dangers for pets, courtesy of the Veterinary Poisons Information Service).

For more information about common seasonal poisons and dangers

Please contact our experienced reception team on 01738 621415, we’re happy to help.

Common seasonal poisons and dangers