If you are not already a registered client, please call the practice to register before signing up for the health plan


Read our pet health plan terms and conditions here

The Tay Valley Vets Pet Health Plan provides you with the support needed to help keep your pet fit and healthy.

Regular visits mean that we have the opportunity to carry out complete health checks, administer necessary vaccinations, keep worming up-to-date and provide flea treatment.

A clinical examination provides peace of mind as we are able to carefully monitor the general health of your pet. This is an ideal opportunity to discuss your pet’s health, provide advice, support and treatment planning; reducing or preventing problems in the future.

By spreading the cost of routine care all Pet Health Plan members also benefit from other discounted treatments. Monthly payments help you to budget for maintaining the health of your pet, spreading costs throughout the year. This is an annual plan and there may be a balance due if cancelled before the renewal date.

If you are not already a registered client, please call the practice to register before signing up for the health plan


  • Essential annual vaccination with full health check
  • 6 monthly health check
  • 25% off flystrike preventative treatment
  • 50% off Primary vaccination course (Initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart
  • Selected complimentary nurse clinics (where available)**
  • £10 microchipping
  • 10% off food
  • 10% off routine neutering
  • 10% off dental procedures
  • 10% off other parasite treatments


Rabbits vaccinations: Myxomatosis, Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (types 1 and 2)

*Tailored to your pets needs

**Please ask for details



All cats receive:

  • Essential annual vaccination with full health check
  • Flea treatments (sufficient for a year) dispensed quarterly *
  • Worm treatments (sufficient for a year) dispensed quarterly *
  • 6 monthly health check
  • 25% off Rabies vaccination
  • 50% off primary vaccination course (Initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart)
  • Selected complimentary Veterinary Nurse clinics (where available) **
  • £10 microchipping
  • 10% off food
  • 10% off routine neutering
  • 10% off dental procedures
  • 10% off other parasite treatments

Vaccinations include: Feline Enteritis, Feline Influenza, Feline Leukaemia

*Tailored to your pets needs

**Please ask for details

*owners responsibility to order and collect worm/flea treatments


All dogs receive:

  • Essential annual vaccination with full health check
  • Flea treatments sufficient for a year (dispensed quarterly) *
  • Worm treatments sufficient for a year (dispensed quarterly) *
  • 6 monthly health check
  • 25% off Kennel Cough vaccination
  • 25% off Rabies vaccination
  • 50% off Primary vaccination course (Initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart
  • Selected complimentary nurse clinics (where available)**
  • £10 microchipping
  • 10% off food
  • 10% off routine neutering
  • 10% off dental procedures
  • 10% off other parasite treatments


Vaccinations included are: Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza

*Tailored to your pets needs

**Please ask for details

*owners responsibility to order and collect worm/flea treatments



£10.50 / per month



£17.00 / per month


(up to 10kg)

£17.00 / per month


(10 – 20kg)

£18.75 / per month

Large dog

(20kg – 40kg)

£20.75 / per month

Giant dog

(40kg +)

£25.50 / per month

Next steps?

Please visit the practice, or call one of our team on 01738 621415 for more information.

Or Register here